My 5:30AM Morning Routine

My favorite part of the day is 1000% in the morning. I love the feeling of starting fresh each day - it’s like a blank canvas. I have to say that being an early bird has always been a trait of mine since I was little. BUT - there is still things you can do the night before to maximize your sleep and wake up full of energy like no phone before bed, giving your body proper time to digest, etc.
I let my body naturally wake up and it’s usually always right on time around 5 :30AM, even on weekends. Sometimes, Maggie (my dog) will wake me up a little bit before that because she is too, a creature of habit. Here’s the rundown of my calm but productive morning routine:
5 :30 AM – Wake up naturally without an alarm clock. Make my bed, drink some filtered water with Liquid Chlorophyll from LandArt and go on a walk with Maggie.
5 :50AM – Journal with my Five Minute Journal & read a few pages from a book. Currently reading The Pivot Year (a daily meditation book) & The Mountain is You – both from the author Brianna Wiest (I also loved her book 101 Essays That will Change The Way You Think).
6 :15AM – Shower, skincare, get dressed (usually yoga pants & a sweatshirt unless I feel fancy #wfh). Sometimes I like to listen to a podcast when I get ready, sometimes it’s music (I love the ''Breakfast in a Nancy Meyers Kitchen'' Playlist on Spotify. Sometimes I will just do my routine in silence – I listen to what my soul wants, always.
7 :00AM – Read my emails, go through comments, DMS, etc. I love to start my day without touching my phone (email, social media). I usually wait at least an hour before touching it and I find that it makes the biggest difference in my energy and mood. I also live for my to-do lists – I make one for the week and separate it by day so each morning, I will go through my daily to-do list and work a bit on that.
8 :00AM – It’s time for my favorite meal of the day – breakfaaaaast! I love to give my body time to wake up before giving it food. This usually looks like a 14 hour fast (if I eat dinner at 6pm and eat breakfast the next day at 8am, it gives my body 14 hours without any food - it's a great way to digest properly and give my body a break). I find that fasting longer than that, for me, is not optimal (do what works for you). Breakfast is usually a smoothie bowl or my go-to oatmeal bowl. I also have my coffee with breakfast, never before that and never on an empty stomach otherwise it’s giving me anxiety. Finally, I'll take my supplements (discover all my favorite supplements in this post).
8 :30AM – Officially starting my work day! Since I’m self-employed (yes social media is my full-time job!) I try to post content on my social platforms daily, usually when my community is most engaged which is in the a.m (hello my fellow morning lovers). I love to separate my work day in two – first half, the morning, is usually the moment that I do computer work (email, editing, writing recipes, etc.). The other half of the day, the afternoon, is the fun part – the content creation part!
10 :00AM – Time to move my body! I am a morning workout type of person, otherwise I have to push myself to do it. I always wait a few hours after having my breakfast to do my workout. I have been doing the Melissa Wood Health workouts for years now and I swear by it! I also tried The Pilates Class workouts which are also amazing, but I just have a thing for Melissa. I am a low-intensity workout girly – I hate going to the gym or do any form of high intensity training. I try to do some sort of flow daily – usually around 30 minutes. Some days I will add ankle weights, some days I will add some cardio – it really depends on what my body craves.
10 :45AM – Back to work & the end of my morning routine!
Hope you enjoyed this very detailed peek into my morning routine – if you can’t tell, I’m obsessed with routines!
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