My Supplement Regimen
& other health boosters that I love

I just want to preface this by saying that this is in no way a recommendation and you should always consult with your medical care provider (I am no expert). I just want to share what my personal supplementation looks like for someone who’s been vegan for 3+ years. Do your resarch and listen to what YOUR body needs. I recently got my blood work done and I was so happy to learn that I wasn’t deficient in B12 nor iron which is something I was stressed about. I feel like people who aren’t fan of vegan diets on social media try to scare people off - this just shows that you shouldn’t trust what you see on social media!
Women's Multivitamin by Rituals – Helps support foundational health (brain, bone, blood, antioxidant support, and so much more). I love this brand because you can trace every ingredient and you can also choose a flavour (mint or citrus).
Vitamin D3 drops by Organika – Vitamin D deficiency is so common since most people work indoors. I make sure to supplement daily.
Vitamin B12 by Sisu – Vitamin B12 is an essential supplement for vegans since it is naturally found in animal products, foods that we vegan avoid. I also love to add Nutritional Yeast to my meals which is loaded in B12.
Probiotic by BioK+ or Seed depends on which I have on hand – Gut health is SO important so if I had to take only ONE supplement, I would prioritize a good probiotic. In short, a probiotic helps feed your gut some good bacteria
Magnesium capsules by Sisu or powder by Moon Juice – Magnesium is so good for digestion and relaxation. I absolutely love taking this at night.
Vegan Protein Powder – I recently started adding protein powder to my breakfasts and I’ve noticed a big difference in my energy. I feel more satieted including it. I love the brand Naked Nutrition (chocolate peanut butter is my fave flavor) but I also love an unflavored protein powder from Nature Zen to keep things neutral.
Electrolytes – Adding electrolytes to my water daily has been a game changer in my hydration game. Not only does it make water taste better, it also helps with hydration so much by replenishing all minerals that are depleated from filtered water. I personally find that it also helps with the occasional headache! My favorite brand for electrolytes is Organika (try the classic lemonade and thank me later) or Pique!
Liquid Chlorophyll & Aloe Vera Juice by Landart – This combo is my go-to for hydration in the morning. I add this to my water and it kickstart my digestion to another level. Plus it tastes so good.
Vegan Omega 3 by A.Vogel – Omega 3s are super important for brain health so I make sure to include this supplement in my diet to make sure I take good care of my brain.
Zinc by Natural Factors – I don’t take this everyday since my multivitamin has some zinc in it, but when I feel a cold coming, I supplement with this for immunity.
Plant-Based Collagen Booster by Anima Mundi – Helps with skin, hair & nails health. I love to add this in my smoothies.
Retinol Gummies by Paya Health – These taste so good but they are also amazing for skin health since they are loaded with retinol & biotin (vegan btw). I also love love love the founder!
Adaptogens by Anima Mundi – I am obsessed with adaptogens and all the benefits they provide. This formulation includes all 7 medicinal mushrooms from Lion’s Mane to Reishi and more. Helps with mood, immunity, energy, hormone and more. I add this in my smoothie.
Calm by Arrae – Whenever I feel stressed out about something, I pop these natural supplements and feel much more relaxed.
Bloat by Arrae – I’ve tried a lot of de-bloating supplement in the past and when I tell these WORK it’s like magic. Whenever I feel bloated, I take two capsules and in a matter of minutes I feel better.
Remember, you don’t need to take all of these products! I get sent a lot so I am happy to try them out (I also only share with you what I truly love), but focus on simplicity and what YOU need. Try getting your vitamins straight from the source AKA food is the best way to go in my opinion, but since our soils are so depleted in essential nutrients, it’s sometimes not possible to get everything we need from food only.
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